
Showing posts from February, 2025

Early Pancake Day

My flatmate made some pancakes. I said to her, wow, is Pancake Day here already? She said she fancied eating pancakes and she gave me two of them. (Shrove Tuesday aka Pancake Day is actually on the 4th March, signalling the start of Lent). I remember when I was working at this primary school and the teacher I was assisting wanted us to make pancakes with the kids from scratch.  Neither of us had made pancakes before. After she mixed the ingredients, muggins here had to fry over 30 pancakes. Never again!  The kids seemed to enjoy my labour though.  What do I want to give up for Lent? I've already stopped bingeing on chocolates and cookies.  I've been eating a lot of raisins so I might cut down on those.😊 Happy Shrove Tuesday in advance! ❤️

About Availability

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." ----- Last night I dreamt about my ex-boyfriend who is now a very good friend. In the dream, I was upset with him for not being there for me and forgetting my birthday.  When I woke up, I thought the dream was really silly.  Why would I care whether he forgets my birthday?  Besides, even though, we haven't been together for almost 10 years, he always remembers my birthday. This morning, I received a text from the same friend. He told me he recently had a minor operation and was recuperating at home.  He asked if I was available to visit him. I told him I was busy doing my laundry, but I could visit him in the afternoon, as he only lives about half an hour away from me by bus. He asked me to visit the next day instead if I was still available. Now it made sense why I had had that nonsense about my friend. I guess when you've known someone for 30 years, you're bound to be able to pick up on their vibe...

Still Arrived Early

I forgot to check the status of the transport system before travelling. I discovered because of some event in central London the bus wasn't going all the way. I had to walk for  about twenty minutes to my destination. Just as well the Lord inspired me to leave earlier than usual. I still arrived early and had time to relax before my shift started. God is good. ❤️


Before the children's show I was working on started, my colleagues and I were in the foyer welcoming parents and their kids, directing them to the theatre and showing others where to park their buggies.  I noticed one colleague was speaking to this man.  She told us the man said after he gave his Bible to a homeless man, God told him to come to this arts centre and get a Bible.   Why would God send him to an arts centre that specialises in music, drama and dance? I suggested he could download a Bible app, if he needed instant access to a Bible. I even recommended an app I use, but  the man was adamant that God had told him to get a Bible at this arts centre. While my colleague continued to chat to the man, I focused on welcoming guests to the arts centre. Finally I saw the man holding a Bible. Apparently, my colleague always carries a Bible with her which she has been studying. As she was speaking to the man she was inspired to give him her Bible. We were all am...

Unmerited Favour in Chaos

As I don't like to rush  I always give myself more than enough time to get to work. I'd rather arrive an hour early and relax. This morning, I left home even earlier. The bus I was in was packed full. Most passengers get off at the nearest tube station. I also get off at that stop and catch another bus into central London. As I was walking past the tube station, I noticed it was closed. Two members of staff were telling commuters that the line wasn't working because of signal failure and advising commuters to catch a particular bus to another tube station a few miles down the road. When I got to the bus stop, there was a long queue of passengers waiting for my bus. I decided to use another bus route. After waiting for a few minutes, I was inspired to return to bus stop with the long queue. When I arrived, there was already a bus at the stop. By the time I got on, there were no longer any seats available both decks. I had no choice but to stand. I walked all the way to the b...

When the Lights are On But Nobody's Home

Last night I noticed my wireless charger was no longer working.  Usually, when the wireless charger is on, the light underneath the charger is blue. While the phone is being charged the blue light changes to red and returns to blue when the phone is fully charged. This time, the light underneath the charger remained blue and wasn't charging my phone. I wondered whether the fault was in the charger or my phone. I tried charging my phone with the cable and it worked. Today, I took.the charger to our local phone repair shop. I asked the techie if he could test the charger with his phone.  He showed me it wasn't charging his phone either, which meant there was a problem with the charger. I decided to get a new wireless charger which I tested first before buying.  Later, while I was going for a walk, I pondered over why the charger had stopped working.  It reminded me of the phrase  "The lights are on but nobody's home," which is a polite way of saying someone lacks ...


 I took some food for my brother. When I arrived, he gave me his gift - a bottle of V*mto, which he knows is my favourite drink. At first, he wasn't sure whether he should get the normal one or sugar free, but he went for the normal. He made the right choice as I can't stand low sugar drinks. 👍 We had a really good At first, he wasn't sure whether he should get the normal one or sugar free, but he went for the normal. He made the right choice as I can't stand low sugar drinks. 👍 up and he loved the peanut butter stew. Thank you, God, for my brother and for providing another bottle of my favourite drink. ❤️

God Saves the Last Drink for Me

After church, I went to our local supermarket to get some groceries. Anyone who knows me personally knows how much I love V*mto (a mixed fruit drink). I usually get the purple concentrated one that I dilute with water.  I was disappointed that they didn't have the size I wanted in stock. They had it with low sugar, but I don't like those. They also had a jumbo size version of the  one I like, but it would be too heavy for me to carry. I could get the orange version, but I'm not too keen on that one. Suddenly,  I noticed behind the orange bottles, there was one purple version in the size I was looking for.  How amazing is that? It was as if someone had deliberately hidden it there for me to find Thank you, God, for saving the last bottle for me.❤️ ----- Relevant Bible verse: "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4: 19 Photo of my drink

Deja Vu

Today, at church, the usual Reverend was away and there was another Reverend covering her. I kept thinking to myself that his face looked familiar. I've heard that booming voice before. Where have  I seen him among the many churches I've been to and have even worked in? Despite the Arctic temperature inside the church, It was a good service. 😂 At the end of the service, I told the Reverend he looked very familiar. "Are you from St Martin's?" He said yes. It was then I remembered that I've even chatted to him. I've only seen him the once as that church has several ministers leading their services. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for helping me make the right call. ❤️ Funnily enough, as I'm working next Sunday, I will not be able to attend my local church. After I finish work, I shall be attending St Martin's evening service, by God's grace. 

Eyebrows Threading

I got my eyebrows tidied up today. Even though I've had my brows threaded lots of times, I still tense up while they're being done as I find threading painful. The lady threader was a real expert and did both in less than 5 minutes. The things some of us do to look good. 😂

The Meaning of Valentine's Day

The other day at church, the reverend asked the kids if they knew what Valentine's Day meant. One kid said, "Is it about not breaking the rules?" which made me chuckle. In a way, I can relate to young kids who live in a reality where Valentine's Day is meaningless to them. I'm working at this art gallery this evening.  No doubt, there will be lots of visitors in the gallery on their romantic dates. As the kids say, it will be a nice vibe to work in. ❤️ Photo of me on the bus on my way to work.

God is Loving Me in All Time

I have been meditating on God's omnipresent love in Christ. I believe God is constantly loving me in the past, present and future. So I was inspired to make a Cous Cous dish with vegetables.  I took out all the spices I needed to use for the dish from the cupboard.  At one point, I lifted my head and forgot the cupboard was still open and banged the side of my head against the edge of the door. As you can imagine, it was pretty painful as I don't have much hair to protect me. I immediately reminded myself that as God is loving me in the past, His love was right there when my skull and the cupboard door bumped against each other. And God is loving me now. I returned to my cooking and within a minute the pain was gone. Thank you, Lord!  Nothing can separate me from the Love of God in Christ Jesus. ❤️ ---- Relevant Bible verses: "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height no...

Loving Your Neighbour

I've never met my neighbour who lives next door before.  Apparently, she is now 101 years old and no longer goes out. She has carers who come to check up on her. Another neighbour visits her. I can usually tell what my neighbour is watching on telly as she has the TV on really loud. I've just heard a familiar theme tune that sounded very much like Bond. I checked out the TV guide and sure enough, it was "You Only Live Twice" with Sean Connery. I'm watching it now, with her.  That's one way to connect with your neighbour. 😂❤️ Photo courtesy of Google Images

How Sweet!

To celebrate Valentine's Day this week, we were all given sweets at church. Altogether now - how sweet! 😊 ❤️

Christ is All in All

Today I noticed this hymn in the hymnal.We didn't sing it, but I  love the words. Reminds me of Colossians 3: 11 in the Bible. 1. In Christ there is no east or west, In him no south or north, But one great fellowship of love Thru'out the whole wide Earth. 2. In him shall true hearts ev'rywhere Their high communion find. His service is the golden cord Close binding humankind. 3. Join hands, then, children of the faith, Whate'er your race may be! Who serves my Father as a child Is surely kin to me. 4. In Christ now meet both east and west, In him meet south and north; All Christly souls are one in him, Thru'out the whole wide Earth. (Author: John Oxenham) Relevant Bible verse: "where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all." Colossians 3: 11

Inspired to Cook

"My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." Psalm 121: 2 ---- We did some cooking today. By "we", I meant me and my beloved Holy Spirit.  We had to get the ingredients and we prepared a one pot dish with vegetables and fish. No, it's not Jollof Rice, I used Tumeric to give it that colour. I have enough food to last me for four days. It would have been five days, but I'm sharing some with my flatmate. 😊 If God doesn't inspire me to cook and help me, it doesn't happen. ❤️

Grumpy Loving Cat

 My flatmate's cat, Zeus ,was very grumpy this morning and ignored me so I ignored him back. Later, after I gave him a big hug, he came into my bedroom for some love. ❤️

How I See the World

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he"  Proverbs 23: 7 --- The other day, I was working as a host at this immersive art gallery. At one point while  I was invigilating in this gallery,  I said thank you as visitors were leaving.  One visitor said, "It's a bit wet over there." "Where exactly?" I said thinking he was referring to spillage. I was going to radio housekeeping to mop the spillage. The man stared at me and he and his friends burst out laughing. It was then I realised he was referring to the immersive art which had water. "I can't believe I fell for that one," I said to him and laughed. In another gallery, a visitor said to me that I must have the art and music constantly in my head. I told him when I am in work mode, I  usually switch off and only see what needs to be done. I said the only time I've truly enjoyed the art was when I came in as a visitor. I'm reminded of a conversation I had recently with a fri...

I am theLight of the World

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. [15] Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. [16] Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."  Matthew 5:14-16

When Blessings Overtake You

In the Old Testament, God told His people, through His prophet, Moses, that if they keep His commandments His blessings will overtake them. (Deutoronomy 28: 1-14). God also warned them of the curses they would experience if they disobeyed His commandments. (Deutoronomy 28: 15-68) As His people were not able to keep God’s commandments, they experienced the curses.  God then sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who was able to obey all of God's commandments on behalf of all who believe in Him. Therefore, those who believe in Jesus get to experience all those blessings and are redeemed from the curses. I've been thinking about what it means for "all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you..." (Deutoronomy 28: 2). Usually, while I'm travelling on the bus, other buses and cars overtake the bus I'm on. For another bus or car to overtake the bus I'm on, they have to be travelling behind the bus and caught up with the bus.   I believe when you're being ove...