About Assisted Dying

So MPs over here have voted to back the bill to allow assisted dying. 

As a Christian, God has made it very clear that: "You shall not murder." (Genesis 20: 13)  Whether you call it assisted dying or suicide, it  is still murder.  There are exceptions like self-defence and accidental death, otherwise murder is murder.

Before my mum passed, she was put in induced coma so they could continue to medicate her. They also did lots of tests. The consultant called me to give me the results. He told me mum's organs were shutting down and there was nothing further they could do for her.  He said if her heart stopped, they were not going to resuscitate her. It was now up to my brother and I to decide when to switch off her life support. In other words, we were being asked to assist mum's death.

I refused to accept that.  Just because the medics don't have a cure doesn't mean that is the end. They are not God.

I have watched tons of videos about people who have actually been declared medically dead and have had near death experiences. They were told they still had a purpose to fulfill and sent back. Their physical  bodies have been healed. 

Back to my mum. The first day she was put in induced coma, a few of us went to the ICU to pray over mum.  That very night I saw a vision of my mum looking radiant and smiling at me. Two days later, she was pronounced medically dead. It happened so fast, my brother and I were not with her. When I arrived at the ICU, I was told she was gone. 

My brother couldn't accept mum's rapid demise. He demanded to know what had gone on and wanted an autopsy. We spoke to one of the consultants who was looking after mum. He explained, tearfully, to us that he couldn't understand what had happened.  He said they had a plan to do an operation which they believed would extend mum's life. When my brother saw his tears, he accepted that God probably had other plans for my mum. Or rather, after having a taste of the "other side", mum decided to stay with the Lord. At least my brother and I didn't have to make that difficult decision to take mum off life support. 

In retrospect, I realised the vision I had seen was the moment mum had passed away to be with the Lord. I believe it was God showing me that mum was safe with Him. 

As a Christian, I believe only God can decide when your life is over, not man or the government.

Here's a very interesting article about euthanasia from a Christian perspective, which I totally agree with.

Peace! ❤️🙏


Related Bible verses:

"With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.” Psalm 91: 16

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10: 10

"Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power." Colossians 2: 8-10



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